
Winter Weather Forecasting

Ended Sep 28, 2023

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Full course description

Since our meteorology presentations from Scott Jensen of the Narwhal Group – Weathernet have been so popular the past few years, we listened to your comments and decided to ask Scott and UDOT Weather Operations Specialists to prepare a series of case studies from past storms. The goal of this workshop is to get everyone familiar with the planning that needs to go on before a storm event, the changes that may need to occur during the event and the lessons learned for future planning. The specialists will present you with a weather forecast and ask you to break into groups to plan for that event.  Groups will present their plans and the weather specialists will explain how they would approach planning. In this group format, your group can also discuss the impact of specific geographies or limitations that may occur in their community. Everyone will learn what happened during the sample weather event and what lessons were learned.